Less Stressed Massage Therapies

At Less Stressed we follow the 3 R's principle of massage Relax Remove Refresh. We offer both relaxation and deep tissue massage.
Mobile service available

Through the toils of everyday life our body accumulates and stores a lot of excess toxins and bad fluids .This is similar to a peak hour traffic jam on the monash freeway which doesn't allow us to get where we want stress free.
What LSMT wants to achieve for you is to clear those pathways in your body and rid you off all of those bad toxins and lactiic acids that knot our muscles up and pull our bodies out of alignment.
Together we can set out a plan of what you want to achieve and reach that target with a timely and cost effective approach.
So if you've pulled up sore from a hard weekend,had the kids hanging of you all weekend (on the same arm),had a hard week at work and haven't left the desk,neck is sore from being on the phone all day,just generally stressed and need to relax
then don't hesitate to drop me a line and we can start getting you back on track to a stress and pain free life.
Remember first in less stressed.
